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Warmly welcome 2 heroes home from Russia

November 23, 2021

At 8 o’clock in the morning on November 23, a welcoming ceremony for Russia’s returning heroes was held outside the sales office! When the prevention and control of the new coronavirus epidemic in foreign countries is still unstable, the two heroes overcame many difficulties to fight and defeat the epidemic. They successfully delivered the commissioning and installation project from Russia and returned safely. No matter whether it was cloudy or sunny day and night, they always carried their thoughts in their hearts. Customers, keep in mind the company’s development mission, win a good reputation for the company, win customers, and win the market! I would like to express my highest respect to them and express my heartfelt thanks! This event is not only a thank you to outstanding employees, but also a joyful welcome for their safe return. The colleagues who the leaders have been thinking about can return smoothly, and the whole company is full of joy. The event was a complete success with the joint efforts of all employees.

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