
After-Sales Service

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Turn-key Service

Rongke will provide you with integrated services from the complete process of workshop design, equipment selection, production and transportation, installation and commissioning, and personnel training. All you need to do is use our products directly on site. Rongke ensures that you are worry-free during the entire service period.

Our professional team will be responsible for every aspect of the project, ensuring that every detail is properly arranged and implemented, so you don’t have to worry about any technical, management or execution issues. At the same time, we will continue to provide you with support and services to ensure the stable operation of equipment and continuity of production, so that you can focus on your core business and achieve the best economic benefits and production efficiency.

Equipment Maintenance Plan

Rongke provides you with personalized services. After the equipment installation and debugging is completed, users can choose Internet synchronization (or turn off data sharing), and we can provide online services. If a fault occurs during the production process, the system will automatically diagnose and guide you to solve the problem. If necessary, it can also be handled through remote assistance.

In addition, if local employees are difficult to train. We can provide accompanying services to ensure that employees’ operations are conducive to production safety and reduce equipment losses to a great extent.

System free upgrade service. Rongke’s management system continues to keep pace with the times, and is constantly updated and improved around the three major aspects of production needs, safety and stability, to provide customers with more humane services. Rongke can promise that after you purchase our equipment, we will provide you with our company’s latest system services free of charge.

Project Process Diagram